Mel is the perfect messy partner! A little quiet but she was so into it! She couldnt keep her hands off me and loved the mess all over her! She just let it pile up and barely wiped her brown button eyes! There arent a lot of pics of her staring at the camera because she was into it! She was being initiated into "aeta thi pie" aka the house of mess wearing a cute little denim skirt like mine, a victorias secret pink top, panties, slouch socks and keds... while i was wearing a cute little victorias secret collared shirt, skirt, victorias secret panties, slouch socks and a brand new pair of nike daybreaks! we used bright colored batter/gunge to start her off. filling her shirt, panties and then giving her a good ol gunging over the head with bright pink too! Then we Give her pie sandwiches, and my fave? Fling pies! you fling them out of the tin and they land perfect! she loved that one! I get her trashed and fill those panties with chocolate... and start to strip her down to nothing but her slouch socks, which I completely trash! her keds were done for! Then? Shes rubbing it all over and loving it so much? I let her "try" to initiate me. See how she will do in our "sorority" and she doesnt gunge me first. no no... she grabs hands full of bright orange gunge and lifts my shirt to rub it all over my tits and body. Meticulous! I loved her style! I wanted a gunging too, though. Bright purple over my head... loved loved it! She just gets it! Halfway in? I already know shes in... I just wanna keep playing! Things get steamy once shes undressing me, I'm licking mess off her pied ass, her sexy little stomach...
She is filling my panties, taking my clothes off...
I am chocolate gunging her tits, fillng my mouth with chocolate and kissing her...
We sit with our pussies touching... legs wrapped and pie each other on the count of three! so fun!
We cannot keep our hands off each other and after some more gunging, rubbing, pussy pieing? I do one last pussy pie I told her to smush against me with her body...
she starts to grab me and starts scissoring me! I was like "holy shit!" I was in heaven! We end with me behind Mel, rubbing all over her as we are totally covered, head to toe in sweet goodness... she is a house of mess girl, now!

Her chill vibe is so rad and she loved it! She has been raving ever since!

There were not enough grabs for this one to really show the erotic in it... go to the forum post to find more of this sexy little thing and lets bring her back to the house!